Our Frequently Asked Questions:
If you have any other questions, feel free to send us a message.
Who can belong to a movement or community?
The majority of people who belong to a movement or community are baptized lay people who may be either married or single. Many movements and communities have consecrated lay members who take promises or vows of poverty, chastity and obedience similar to sisters and brothers. Priests and religious men and women can also be active participants and full-time members.
How does an ecclesial movement or new community come into being?
The birth of an ecclesial movement or new community is similar to that of a traditional religious order like the Benedictines, Franciscans and Jesuits. The Holy Spirit grants the founder or group of founders a special grace to live the Christian life with a unique charism, fervor and dynamism, which eventually attracts others and over time develops into a particular way of life. After a certain period (usually a number of years), the bishop will evaluate the movement’s statutes (basic laws and guidelines) and discern whether to formally approve it as an association of the faithful.
How do they serve people and the local Church?
They serve by helping both members and interested participants grow in holiness through a life of prayer, ongoing internal conversion, and personal formation. Although each movement/community is unique, many offer a variety of ministries including: retreat centers, schools, universities, and homes for the sick and disabled; missions to serve the poor, retreats and conferences, child, youth and family formation; and outreach via personal evangelization, newsletters, publishing, media and communications.
How do they nurture vocations?
Many of the movements/communities support and complement parish and family life by creating programs that form the spiritual, intellectual and social dimensions of children, adolescents and adults. These programs provide natural environments to nurture souls so they can discern where God is calling them, including married life, single life, priesthood, and religious or consecrated life.

Let's Work Together
If you would like to work with us to spread the word about the movements, please let us know! We will be happy to come and share more with your communities.