Flame of Love Movement
The Catholic Church always receives new gifts. Elizabeth’s Diary (fully approved by the Church) states that the Flame of Love is the greatest gift which God has given to the world in 2000 years.
Elizabeth was the first to receive this new gift and she is also the match which will light the flame for the whole world.
This Flame is Jesus Christ Himself. Because Our Lady’s heart suffers from holding this Flame, it leaps out into our hearts (where it belongs). She goes everywhere, looking for people who want to receive the Flame.
The effect of devotion to the Flame of Love is to make our parishes, families, and lives so full of Jesus by the power of grace, that Satan’s influence on our families and surrounding communities is broken. Once freed from the blinding influence of Satan, our families and communities are much more open the gospel and the way of salvation. Thus we ask our Blessed Mother to:
“Spread the effect of grace of your Flame of Love over all of humanity”
Five Effects of the Flame
Our Lady promises many blessings.
To blind Satan. The diary highlights and actually describes this gift as Elizabeth was able to blind Satan, making him powerless and freeing those who felt his oppression.
To save souls (especially family members). The diary contains many promises concerning the family.
Elizabeth was a mother of six children, all of whom had their own struggles. She worried about their eternal salvation. Our Lady told her that she was chosen specifically because she was a mother and that from heaven she would be with her children at their death beds. -
To save the family. The Flame of Love is family focused. Our Lady wants parents to gather their children for prayer and devotion. She will come to every home which invites her.
To free souls from purgatory. Our Lady makes great promises, especially for those who keep the Monday fast (bread and water until 6:00 PM). So often, we forget our deceased relatives and friends.
To convert the world through the Triumph of the Immaculate Heart of Mary. The flame is meant for all of humanity, even those who are not yet baptized. Our Lady promised many miracles which all would realize took place, without any elaborate investigation.
To spread the devotion of The Flame of Love of the Immaculate Heart of Mary

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